torsdag den 12. november 2009

More than burgers

I actually hate clowns! All of them. I don't think they are funny, they are annoying, especially those in the streets trying to capture the attention of people passing by. Ever since I saw the movie "It" I find them kind of scary too. At least McDonald's clown is doing something good, or the people behind him, by helping sick children all over the world through the Ronald McDonald House Charity. Children between the ages of 0-21, who are being treated at nearby hospitals and their families are eligible to stay at a local Ronald McDonald House. In 1994 the Ronald McDonald House was ranked as the 2nd most popular charity/non-profit in America of over 100 charities. At the moment the donations help 3.7 million children and their families every year.
Your cash at work:
Broken down into real-life costs, 83 cents of every dollar* is distributed to local Chapters who might then spend it on things like:
Average cost to host a family for one night = $85
Daily electricity bill for an average House for one day = $125

Daily gas bill to keep appliances like a kitchen stove working = $60
100 flu vaccinations = $60
5 flu vaccinations on a Ronald McDonald Care Mobile = $175
Saving families from eating in the hospital cafeteria = $25

*based on 2008 numbers.

Picture courtesy Rankin. The 2nd picture is me in Eilat, Israel.

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