lørdag den 3. oktober 2009

I won! I won! I won!

Rijah, from Polishign the nails!, is a fellow blogger who has a passion for/obsession with nail polish. She gave away three colors from Barry M: Silver Cascade, Aqua Green and Violet Gold Shimmer. I won the lovely Silver Cascade. So excited! Can't wait to apply it. Thank you Rijah for having this giveaway I will upload a picture of my nails as soon as I have applied the varnish.
Photo courtesy: Rijah

3 kommentarer:

  1. Tillykke :D Var også glædeligt overrasket over at trække en dansker :p det er lidt billigere i porto hehe ;D de to andre der vandt bor jo i USA ;)

  2. I USA! Går og tænker på at afholde en giveaway. Synesbdet er sjovest at få folk fra hele verden med, men også temmelig dyrt hvis man giver noget væk der vejer.

  3. Yuuuuuuuuuuhuuuu!

    How nice :)
    Can't wait too see you with it..


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